English vocabulary related to Environment you may use on IELTS writing task 2.
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Here are IELTS vocabulary about environment with its meaning. It will help you in IELTS reading.
ü climate
change - changes in the Earth's
weather patterns (تغير الطقس);
ü acid
rain - rain that contains dangerous
chemicals because of smoke from cars and factories (مطر حمضي);
ü industrial
waste - damaged, defective, or superfluous
material produced by industry (مخلفات المصانع);
ü urbanization - the process by which towns and cities are formed
and become larger as more and more people begin living and working in central
areas (تمدن - تحضر);
ü biodegradable - capable of being slowly destroyed and broken down
into very small parts by natural processes, bacteria, etc. (قابل للتحلل);
ü environmentalist / environmental
activist - a person who works to protect the natural world from
pollution and other threats (مناصر لحماية البيئة);
ü natural
disaster - a sudden and terrible
event in nature (such as a hurricane, tornado, or flood) that usually results
in serious damage and many deaths (كارثة طبيعية);
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ü hybrid
cars – cars in which two or more
distinct types of power, such as internal combustion engine + electric motor
are used (سيارات هجينة);
ü fertilizers - a substance (such as manure or a special chemical)
that is added to soil to help the growth of plants (سماد);
ü rainforest - a tropical forest that receives a lot of rain and
that has very tall trees (غابات مطيرة);
ü chemicals - substances obtained by a chemical process or
producing a chemical effect (كيماويات);
ü sustainable
agriculture - is the act of farming
based on an understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationships
between organisms and their environment (الزراعة الدائمة – نوع من
الزراعة يهدف الي الحفاظ علي التربه);
ü adverse
environmental effects - abnormal,
harmful, or undesirable impact on environment (تأثيرات عكسية علي البيئة);
ü climate
change mitigation - consists of
actions to limit the magnitude or rate of long-term climate change (Wikipedia).
(تقليل- الحد من تغيرات المناخ);
ü emissions - substances discharged into the air (as by a
smokestack or an automobile engine) (شئ منبعث);
ü exhaust
fumes - gases ejected from an engine
as waste products (عوادم);
ü to
conserve energy - use energy
carefully in order to prevent loss or waste (يحافظ علي الطاقة);
ü toxic – containing poisonous substances (سام);
ü to
recycle - to send (used
newspapers, bottles, cans, etc.) to a place where they are made into something
new (تدوير – اعادة تصنيع);
ü the 3 Rs concept: reducing, reusing, recycling
(تقليل، اعادة استخدام، اعادة تصنيع );