Wednesday, August 22

IELTS Vocabulary - FOOD

IELTS Vocabulary - FOOD

English vocabulary related to FOOD you will use in IELTS exam.


ü Syrupy - having the appearance or quality of syrup;
thick or sweet (شرابي);

ü Sugary - tasting or looking like sugar (مسكر);

ü Crispy - pleasantly thin, dry, and easily broken: having a pleasantly crisp outer layer (هش);

ü Bitter - having a strong and often unpleasant flavor that is the opposite of sweet (مر);

ü Juicy - containing a lot of juice (كثير العصارة);

ü Sour - having an acid taste that is like the taste of a lemon (لاذع);

ü Zesty - having a strong, pleasant, and somewhat spicy flavor (حار);

ü  Chewy – something requiring to use your teeth to cut food into small pieces before you swallow it (يحتاج للمضغ);

ü  Spicy - flavored with or containing strong spices and especially ones that cause a burning feeling in your mouth (حار);

food vocabulary
ü Peppery - containing pepper or having the qualities of pepper (فلفلي);

ü Ambrosial - something extremely pleasing to taste or smell (لذيذ);

ü  Crunchy - having a hard texture and making a loud sound when chewed or crushed: not soft or mushy (مقرمش);

ü  Delicious – very pleasant to taste (لذيذ);

ü  Savoury - having a pleasant taste or smell (مالح - متبل);

ü  Unflavoured - without flavor additives (بدون نكهة);

Now try to write an essay about this topic.
Here are one recent IELTS writing task 2 quistion
related to food topic.

Food Additives Essay 

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. 
Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and preservation outweigh the advantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. 

You should write at least 250 words.